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Liturgy Books

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SKU 978081469064
SKU 978081469097
Lectionary for Mass, CLASSIC EDITION: Sundays (One-Volume)
Lectionary for Mass, CLASSIC EDITION, Volume II: Year I Weekdays
Lectionary for Mass, CLASSIC EDITION, Volume III: Year II Weekda
Lectionary for Mass, CLASSIC EDITION, Volume IV: Ritual Edition
Lectionary for Mass, CHAPEL EDITION: Sundays (One-Volume)
Lectionary for Mass, CHAPEL EDITION, Volume II: Year I Weekdays
Lectionary for Mass, CHAPEL EDITION, Volume III: Year II Weekday
Lectionary for Mass, CHAPEL EDITION, Volume IV: Ritual Edition
Lectionary for Mass Volume I (Sundays): Study Edition
The Book of the Gospels
The Book of the Gospels Product No. 978081462572
Lectionary for Mass, CEREMONIAL EDITION: Sundays Cycle A
Lectionary for Mass, CEREMONIAL EDITION: Sundays Cycle B
Lectionary for Mass, CEREMONIAL EDITION: Sundays Cycle C
Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest:  Bilingual Editi
SKU 9780814620526
A Ritual for Laypersons: Rites for Holy Communion and the Pastor
SKU 24/22
SKU 90/22
SKU 90/13
SKU 165/00
Book of the Gospels Product No. 165/00
SKU 35/22
SKU 92/22
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Catholic Liturgy Books for Sale

The Word of God is central to Christian worship, and parishes keep a range of liturgy books on hand to accommodate the various scripture and gospel readings used throughout the liturgical year. T.H. Stemper is a leading supplier of Christian liturgical books, ensuring your church will be properly outfitted to celebrate mass in every season and meet the needs of any special occasion.

Whether you are looking for Roman Missals, Lectionaries, or bilingual texts, T.H. Stemper has a complete inventory of liturgical books for your church and congregation.

Shop for more liturgical books online at T.H. Stemper.

Book of the Gospels

We stock many decorative styles and editions of the Book of the Gospels, so you can select the best version of the gospel for your parish. The Book of the Gospels Classic Edition by The Liturgical Press, for example, is adorned with a stylized cross embossed in gold and silver. Our most popular edition, The Book of the Gospels by Catholic Book Publishing Company features gold stamped imagery of Christ and the Four Evangelists. At T.H. Stemper, you’ll be able to find the right Book of the Gospels design for your church.

Mass Lectionaries and Supplements Available at T.H. Stemper

Catholic Lectionary Book

Ministers of the Word read from lectionaries as a means to standardize the readings of the Catholic mass throughout the cycles and days of the liturgical year. We supply churches across the United States with elegantly durable lectionaries and mass supplements so they can adhere to the schedule of scripture readings.

Whether you need a new weekday lectionary, a Sunday edition or a lectionary for ritual masses, we have the version you need to cover all weekday cycles (I and II) and years (A, B, and C).

New Lectionary Supplements for 2017!

Changes to the current 4-volume Lectionary for Mass are reflected in these new mass supplements available for purchase at T.H. Stemper. These supplements include new citations, amendments, and readings for new saints as approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Mass supplements come in a variety of sizes and decorative styles in either hard or soft cover. New additions and amendments include:

Books for Celebration in the Absence of a Priest

On the rare occasion where a priest is unavailable to celebrate mass in the Catholic Church, a deacon or appointed layperson may lead the celebration, in adherence to the CCDDS’ directory in 1988. A reserved sacrament is used, as no Eucharistic consecration takes place, and such a celebration is not technically referred to as a mass. A specialized liturgical book is essential to guide the celebrant from the introductory rites, through the Liturgy of the Word and communion rites, to the concluding rites. We carry several liturgical books to accommodate the absence of a priest, so your congregation can consistently participate in the weekly rite of Holy Eucharist.

Roman Missals

Containing prayers and chants used in the Mass, The Roman Missal is a uniform instruction to the Mass. It is then translated into many languages and used throughout the world. In 2011, the English edition of the Third Typical Roman Missal was completed by the USCCB and released with updated language and prayers. Many handsome bindings and sizes are available to suit your worship space, from chapel to Cathedral. The Spanish edition (Missal Romano) for use in the United States is currently being updated. Check back often for news about its availability.

Browse T.H. Stemper's extensive inventory of liturgical books to help celebrate Catholic mass.